Sunday, April 17, 2016

The Plan: Block 1

Block 1: Base Building (Operator)

Tactical Barbell starts everyone with an 8 week block designed to prepare their bodies for training. I understand and appreciate it, but since I'm a bit more experienced with weight training I'm going to tweak it just a bit with the following changes:
  • Operator instead of Fighter strength template
  • A few minor accessory exercises
  • The final 2 weeks instead of 3 weeks for muscular endurance 
Edit: After some re-reading I've noticed that Tactical Barbell: Conditioning does mention that it's okay to run Operator and to modify the duration during Block 1 if your emphasis is on strength training. So I'm not really deviating from Tactical Barbell after all, just customizing to my needs as permitted by the program. Just goes to show how flexible the program is.

If you don't know the program then all that means is I'll be doing a little bit more strength work than what they recommend. If you don't have much experience I'd recommend just doing the program as written. 

For my primary strength training I'll be doing squats, bench press, and weighted pull-ups three times a week. On the last day pull-ups will be swapped for deadlifts. 

For my conditioning I'll be doing low intensity three times a week. For this I'll be finishing up the Couch to 5k running program I'm currently in the middle of. If Tactical Barbell prescribes a longer duration run then I'll just keep running after my Couch to 5k run.

Block 1 Starting Stats

I'm going to keep track of a few stats as I follow this program. At the beginning of each block I'll post my training maxes (note: these are not true maxes, they've been reduced per recommendation by Tactical Barbell) and body taping measurements. Weekly I'll post my average caloric intake, average macronutrient intakes, average sleep quantity and quality (measured with the Sleep Cycle app), average body weight, and average resting heart rate.

The purpose of this training is for performance enhancement, not body composition. In the past I'd say the two were equally important. But like I already said, I'm cutting until I hit a preset goal and then will reverse diet into maintenance. I should hit that goal in a week or two. I'll keep track of body weight and measurements just to make sure I'm not eating too much/little, and to see of this program has any particular effects on body composition.

Training Maxes
Squat: 433lbs
Bench: 219lbs
Pull-Ups: 85lbs
Deadlift: 464lbs

Body Tape Measurements
Shoulders: 49.5in
Chest: 39.5in
Bicep: 15.75in
Waist: 28in
Hips: 36.25in
Thigh: 22in
Calf: 15.5in

Alright, that's all the entry stuff out of the way! The next blog entry will be my first week workout log. 

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